Coasts Petroleum Products Co.

Coasts Petroleum Products Co.
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Coasts Petroleum Products

Coasts itself originated as a company whose products and services were in bitumen, we are accredited and recognized by respectable certifying bodies.


Bitumen is a crucial component of the asphalt we use to build roads, bitmen holds our city streets together and connects cities and countries across vast distances. It Provides a backbone for personal and business travel, tourism and logistics.

The bitumen we produce for our roads and buildings is refind from carefully selected crude oils. A variety of different refining methods produce different kinds of bitumen and allow the manufacturer to produce specific characteristics in the bitumen. Producers often blend multiple crude oils together to produce consistent, high-quality bitumen that meets precises engineering specifications. Our products rigorously conform to the specifications of ASTM, AASHTO, and other international and specially developed specifications and standards. We employ a high caliber quality control department to ensure our products meet the specifications we undertake to deliver.