Coasts Petroleum Products Co.

Coasts Petroleum Products Co.
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Waterproofing Membrane

  Pavements designed and constructed for heavy duty traffic and extreme weather conditions require specially designed and engineered bitumen grades. By enhancing the characteristics of normal bitumen with the addition of a polymer we succeed to obtain modified bitumen that allows the mixture to be more cohesive, with much more strength and significant higher resistance to parameters like fatigue and permanent deformations for road pavements.

   A waterproofing membrane is a thin layer of water-tight material that is laid over a surface. This layer is continuous and does not allow water to pass through it. For example, on a flat terrace, a waterproofing membrane could be laid above the structural slab and below the finish tiles. This will ensure that water does not seep into the structural slab. The tiles and membrane must be laid over a filler material that is sloped to ensure that water flows into sumps and drains. Any water that remains as puddles over the tiles is likely to seep into the slab over time, so puddles are to be avoided at all costs.

   A waterproofing membrane should be strong, flexible, tear-resistant and elastic so that it can stretch to cover cracks and also move with the building. If the membrane is to be exposed to the sun, then it should be UV stable. The membrane should be flexible enough to take any shape it is laid over, and be capable of turning up and over walls and other construction features.

  Our waterproofing systems are designed to protect residential and commercial buildings. Bitumen (asphalt or coal-tar pitch) is a mixed substance made up of organic liquids that are highly sticky, viscous, and waterproof. These systems are used to construct roofs, in the form of roofing felt or roll roofing products. Our waterproofing membrane comes on site in the form of rolls manufactures and packed in the factory properly sealed.